Summer Is Here!

It looks like summer has finally arrived! This summer is likely to be another dry season with an increased threat of fires. Please be extra vigilant regarding any type of fire in your area. If you are burning, your fire needs to be monitored at all times, and have a water hose at the ready.

Know where the nearest fire pump is, and know how to use it. Look at the Fire Pumps page for a video on how to use the fire pumps, as well as the pump location map.

Important News and Upcoming Events

Updated message and news from the President.

How to Become a Member

Buy or Renew Membership

To join the TLCA, membership fees are $40 per calendar year, per family. You can send an e-transfer to or mail a cheque to:

    P.O. Box 315
    Noelville, ON  P0M 2N0

Please be sure to include your name, address, phone number, and email address so we can add you to our membership list.

We now have an online signup form for memberships. Click here to join the Association or to renew your Membership!

Environment Topics

There are a number of good articles in the Environment section of the website:

The Lake

Open Letter to all Trout Lake Campers: #SAVETROUTLAKE GoFundMe is on!

December 6, 2021
Re: Urgent Fund-Raising Campaign - Opposition to Happy Summer Village Development

Why do we love Trout Lake? We come for serenity, relaxation, recreation, being in nature, boating, fishing, snowmobiling, kayaking, canoeing, family time, socializing, and so on. How many people "retreated" to Trout Lake during Covid-19 as an escape from the health dangers and stresses of city life and lockdowns? We were able to regain a sense of normalcy here, maintain social distancing, and de-stress throughout this period. We've been very privileged and fortunate to be able to do so. And now we have a lot to lose.

When the Happy Summer Village development began, many members approached the Association and asked what the Board was doing about it. The TLCA formed the Lake Development Review Committee which has been representing our members, the campers, by researching by-laws, the Official Plan, environmental regulations, septic tanks, species at risk, provincial policies, and meeting with municipal and planning officials to discuss the many issues surrounding the Happy Summer Village development. The Association co-ordinated a major opposition to the proposed by-law at Municipal Council in September. Unfortunately, as you know, Council chose to go ahead with its bylaw. We all understand the environmental risks that this development could cause. Every single person who voiced their opposition, mentioned the environmental issues. The safety issues are also very significant. The quality of life on Trout Lake is at stake.

We now need to fund-raise for the appeal and ongoing work on this issue. This is a continuation of the fund-raising we started in September after the public meeting. We will require significantly more money to do this. I hope that every single Trout Lake family will step up and support this important cause. If everyone contributes at least $200, we can reach the fund-raising goal. Your family, extended family and friends who all come to enjoy Trout Lake could contribute.

Please consider making a Christmas donation to the lake you love. Friends and family could donate instead of giving another gift we don't need. Over 1,500 people signed the petition - could you reach out to those you know? We all need to pitch in if this appeal is to go forward. And time is short. The appeal hearing date could be set in the very near future. We need the funds to be able to proceed. Trout Lake needs you! If sufficient funds cannot be raised, we will need to withdraw from this appeal, so as not to put the Campers Association at risk. The Board will be meeting in January to make a decision as to how to proceed. No matter the result of the appeal, this development is going to proceed at some level. We are not certain the "limit" of 37 units will be enforced. There will be other reasons for us to object, for example, if a rezoning is made to change the "Rural" zoning which does not actually support the type of development which is already happening. The developer will keep pushing the envelope, enlarging his development until it becomes massive and totally inappropriate for this lake. His stated intentions are to have up to 400 park model trailers on site. Imagine that. It has taken the municipality 5 YEARS to develop the trailer bylaw we are currently opposing. Think how long it will take them to catch up on the other bylaws to restrict this type of development.

We are planning a meeting with the municipal officials in the near future to see if we can find any measures to lessen our concerns with this development.

I am personally very passionate about protecting Trout Lake, and I know you are too. You've raised families here, generations keep coming back to the lake, properties are passed down in families. This is our happy place. We are financially, physically and emotionally invested in life at Trout Lake. Let's not let inappropriate development ruin it for everyone.

Please, donate today. Ask your family and friends to contribute too. You can donate through the GoFundMe campaign here: OR Donations can be sent by e-transfer to: (If you use a security question, it is, what type of fish is the lake named for? (Answer trout) Donating by e-transfer saves us money!


Mail a cheque to TLCASD

    P.O. Box 315
    Noelville, ON  P0M 2N0

If you have any questions, ideas, concerns or want to help, please contact me.

Linda Lachance, President


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